Shrimp Scampi in white wine sauce

Ingredients: Cook time: 15 minutes

* 1 pound large (16-20 count) shrimp, shelled and de-veined, tail on for presentation if you want.
* Salt and freshly ground black peppers
* 2 tablespoons butter
* 2 tablespoons chopped garlic
* 2 tablespoons chopped parsley leaves
* 1 lemon, juiced
* 1/2 cup white wine
Heat a saute pan on high heat. Reduce the heat to medium-high and add the butter. Once the butter melts, add the garlic. Saute for a minute, or until you see the edges of some of the garlic just beginning to brown.
2 As soon as the garlic begins to brown, add the shrimp to the pan. Then add the white wine and stir to combine and coat the shrimp with the butter and wine. Spread the shrimp out in an even layer in the pan. Increase the heat to the highest setting and let the wine boil vigorously for 2-3 minutes.
Turn the shrimp over, or toss them so the cooked sides are mostly facing up, and boil the wine for another minute. Remove from the heat, add the parsley and toss to combine. Add the lemon juice and black pepper.
Enjoy !

Tilapia fish with capers sautéed shrimp and crunchy carrots / Peste tilapia, creveti sotati si morcov rumenit.

Tilapia recipe:
* Tilapia fish filet clean and dry.
* Seasoning with lemon powder, garlic powder, salt and black papers.        
* Hot pan medium fire, olive oil .  
* Place the fish on the pan be careful not to stick .
* Cook for about 5 minutes then with a spatula turn on the other side also cook for 5-7 minutes .
* Before the fish is already cook add few capers and half of lemon juice.

 Shrimp recipe:        
* Shrimp clean and dry .
* Medium fire, small spoon of butter, two garlic chopped , parsley chopped  three splash of white wine and half of lemon juice.
* Sauteed for three minutes all the ingredients , then place the shrimp on pan medium fire cook for about 6-12 minutes.

Carrots recipe:
* Carrots peel skin.
* Drop them in hot boiling water for about 15-20 minutes .
* Once you have boiled  dry the carrots from water.
* Be prepared with a pan , medium fire , olive oil, a few threads of parsley , two crushed garlic.
* Sauteed the carrots in pan for about 9 minutes
* Seasoning with salt and and black peppers.
 Enjoy your food!

Peste file Tilapia:
* Pestele este curatat si dezosat.
* Il condimentam cu sare, piper si pudra de lamie.
* Pregatitim o tigaie la foc mediu , adaugam ulei.
* Duca ce uleiul sa incins asezati pestele in tigaie , atentie sa nu se lipeasca.
* Prajiti pe o parte pina se rumeneste dupa care intoarceti pe partea cealalta cu o spatula.
* Cam 7 minute pe o parte si 5 pe cealalta.
* Cind pestele este rumenit si aproape gata adaugati citeva boabe de capere, si jumatate de lamie stoarsa deasupra peste peste.

Cum preparam crevetii/ shrimpii:
* Spalati, curatati de codita.
* Luam o tigaie o punem la foc mediu adaugam: 2 lingurite de unt, 2 catei de usturoi tocat marunt lasam sa se rumeneasca pentru 2 minute dupa care adaugam citeva fire de patrunjel tocat marunt, sucul de la o lamie, si putin vin alb.
* Un minut lasam sa se rumeneasca toate ingredientele dupa care adaugam crevetii.
* Se tin la foc pina capata culoare cam 5 minute adaugam sare si piper.

 Cum pregatim morcovii rumeniti:
* Morcovii se curata de coarja si se pun la fiert cam 15-20 de minute.
* Dupa ce au fiert morcovii sunt scosi din apa , lasati sa se usuce.
* Intr-o tigaie incinsa adaugam 2 lingurite de ulei sau unt , 2 catei de usturoi striviti , citeva fire de patrunjel si morcovii.
* Se gatesc pina se rumenesc si prind o crusta aurie, de obicei intre 5-8 minute.

New baby potatoes with parsley, garlic and sour cream / Cartofi noi cu smintina, usturoi si patrunjel.

Ingredients: Cook time 20 minutes
* new baby potatoes
* sour cream
* two tablespoons finely crushed garlic
* two tablespoons fresh parsley chopped
* salt and black pepper.

* Wash and clean well the potatoes, leave the skin if the potatoes is big cut in two 
* Boil the potatoes in hot water about 20-25 minute
* Drain water from potatoes
* Add garlic chopped, fresh parsley chopped
* 3 spoons of sour cream , salt and black pepper, mix all together 
Enjoy ! 

Ingrediente: Timp 20 de minute 

* cartofi noi proaspeti de marime mica
* 3 linguri de smintina
* 2 catei de usturoi maruntit
* patrunjel si marar tocat marunt
* sare si piper

* Cartofii sunt bine spalati, nu ii curatati de coarja. 
* Se fierb in apa aproximativ 20-30 minute.
* Se scurge apa din ei.
* Se adauga doi catei de usturoi maruntit, patrunjelul si mararul tocat , trei-patru linguri de smintina. 
* Sare si piper dupa gust. 
Sa aveti pofta ! 

Smoke fresh salmon and stuffed cheese red peppers. /// Somon afumat cu ardei rosu umpluti.

* Smoke fresh Salmon.
* A piece of cream cheese.
* Arugula salad.
* Black olives. 
* Slice tomatoes.
* Red peppers stuffed with feta cheese and dill.
* Two slice of bread toasted .
Enjoy your healthy meal.

* Peste somon afumat.
* O bucata de crema de brinza.
* Salata de arugula.
* Masline negre.
* O rosie taiata felii.
* Ardei gras rosu umplut cu brinza de oaie si marar. 
* Se serveste cu felii de piine prajita.
Sa aveti pofta !

Chicken breast Meatballs / Chiftelute din carne de piept de pui

 Chicken breast  Meatballs  
Ingredients & Preparation: 
Cook time 1 hour 
* Shredded raw chicken breast, for this composition i use 5 pieces.
* (Also you can use turkey meat or mix all together) 
* Add four raw eggs.
* Add one raw medium potatoes shredded.
* Add one medium white onion, chopped.
* Add seven gloves of garlic chopped.
* Add parsley chopped.
* Add two shredded carrots.
* Add seasoning: salt, black pepper.
* With hands mix everything to get all the ingredients together. 
* Use a spoon to get the same size of meatballs. 
* Put some oil or warm water on your hands to make them easier. 
* Hot pan ,olive oil, medium fire , two leaves of rosemary . 
* Also you can bake them in the oven for 40-50 minutes depends on how crispy you prefer, on the pan add parchment paper. 
Enjoy your Healthy Meatballs!

Chiftelute din carne de piept de pui
Ingrediente si prepararea: timp 1 ora

* Luam patru sau cinci bucati de piept de pui tocat.
* ( Puteti folosi si carne de curcan, sau le puteti mixa impreuna)
* Adaugam patru oua crude.  
* Un cartof mediu ras.
* O ceapa alba tocata.
* Sapte bucati de usturoi maruntit. 
* Doi morcovi tocati.
* Citeva frunze de patrunjel tocat marunt.
* Adaugam sare si piper negru dupa gust.
* Cu miinile mestecam toata compozitia pina se omonegizeaza toate ingredientele.
* Folositi o lingura ca sa obtineti chiftele in aceiasi marime.
* Ungeti miinile cu ulei sau apa calduta sa nu se lipeasca carnea de palme.
* Puneti tigaia la foc mediu adaugati ulei , doua frunze de rosemarin ( la preferinta ).
* Daca doriti le puteti coace la cuptor pentru 40-50 de minute, depinde cit de crocante va plac, folositi hirtie de copt ca sa excludeti lipirea. 
Sa aveti pofta mare!

Two farm fresh fried eggs / Doua oua de tara prajite

Ingrediente: timp 10 min. 
* 2 fresh eggs
* fresh parsley
* arugula salad
* 1 carrot
* 1 red bell peeper
* 1 tomatoes
* 1 cucumber
* 1 pieces of feta cheese
* fresh slice fat free ham.
* coconut oil / olive oil /
* 1 lemon
* whole bread
fried eggs  
* Heat a pan on high heat add a small spoon of coconut oil, once the oil is melted and hot brake the eggs reduce the head on medium
* Seasoning salt and pepper
* let them fry for about 5 minutes
arugula salad 
* arugula salad add slice cucumber, slice tomatoes, slice red bell pepper, slice carrots a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and squeeze fresh lemon juice add some feta cheese on top
* Fresh parsley leaves
* Fresh slice fat free ham

* At your preference whole bread toasted .
Enjoy your meal!

Mic Dejun
Ingrediente: timp 10 min.
* 2 oua
* 1 rosie feliata
* 1 castravete feliat
* 1 ardei gras feliat
* 1 morcov feliat
* 1 o bucata de brinza de oaie
* citeva frunze de salata de arugula
* citeva fire de patrunjel proaspat
* 6 bucati feliate de sunca fara grasime.
* jumate de lamie , ulei de masline pentru salata

Prepararea ochiurilor:
* In tigaia infierbintata punem o lingurita de ulei de cocos sau ulei de masline sau unt.
* dupa ce s-a incins uleiul stricam ouale adaugam sare si piper dupa gust
* lasam sa se prajeasca la foc mediu timp de 5 minute
* Salata: frunze de arugula cu rosii feliate deasupra, ardei gras feliat, castraveti si morcov feliat, un pic de      briza de oaie rasa deasupra.
* In salata adaugam o lingurita mica de ulei de masline si stoarcem sucul de la o lamiie proaspata.
* Adaugam in farfurie si citeva fire de patrunjel proaspat.
* Citeva felii de sunca proaspata ( grasime redusa ).
* La preferinta puteti adauga si piine integral prajita.
Sa aveti pofta! 

Fried eggs made in red pepper crust /// Ochiuri prajite in rondele de ardei gras

Fried eggs made in red pepper crust. 
* Hot pen with oil or pan spray.
* The first time we place the peppers rings , let them cook for 2 minutes , medium fire.
* Add the egg in the middle of the circle of red peppers. 
* Add seasonings to your preference.  
* Cook for 3 minutes or depends on how hard or soft you like. 
Enjoy Your meal !

Ochiuri prajite in crusta de ardei gras.
* Se pune tigaia la foc mediu se aduga putin ulei.
* Se taie ardelul rondele (grosimea la preferinta) se aduga in tigaie pentru 2 minute.
* Dupa ce ardeiul s-a rumenit stricam oul chiar in mijlocul ardeiului. 
* Adaugam condimente la preferinta. 
* Lasam sa se coaca in jur de 3-5-6 minute depinde cit de tare sau moale va place. 
Sa Aveti pofta ! 

Eggs wrapped in turkey bacon

Ingredients: Cook time 15 min
* 4 slice of turkey bacon
* 4 fresh eggs
* rosemary leaves
* salt, italian seasoning,
* extra virgin olive oil

* Hot pan add a table spoon of olive oil medium fire, add rosemary leaves
* Make a circle from turkey bacon , then placed in the pan .
* Brake the eggs in middle of the bacon circle.
* Add salt and italian seasoning
* The eggs should be fried on both sides.
Enjoy your meal !

Ou invelit in felii subtiri de sunca de curcan.
Ingrediente: timp 15 minute
* 4 felii sunca curcan ( bacon )
* 4 oua proaspete
* 2 crengute rosemarin
* ulei de floare soarelui
* sare , piper negru .

Preparerea :
* Se pune ulei in tigaia incinsa, se pun crengutele de resemarin, din feliile de sunca facem un cerc si il punem in tigaie
* dupa ce am asezat cercurile din sunca stricam oule chiar in mijlocul acestora
* adaugam condimente la preferinta.
* dupa ce oul sa prajit, cu o spatula intoarcem atent si pe partea cealalata.
* se pregateste la foc mediu
Sa aveti Pofta !